Part two: Test

Posted on May 28, XXXX

Is this working? It's been so long since I've messed around with these weird lines of words.

Anyways... finally a second blog post! And I guess that it's working now! Been a while huh... Well, I don't really have much to say today, except that I've been working hard on my job, there has been a high influx of people wanting to buy my stuff. Apparently Toke was somewhat involved (yet again) in this sudden wave of clients, I just didn't discover yet what is he planning.. maybe it's another so called "Armageddon" that he's constantly yapping about.

And uhh... oh yeah. Y'all remember Umbra? He has been kinda... different these days? I'm not sure if it's just my imagination but he seems quieter than usual, and I've noticed that he was always alerted by something. I tried asking him what was wrong but he would always dodge the question... I'm not sure what is his deal.

~ Loni

Part one: Hi

Posted on April 5, XXXX

UWAH! My first ever ever post! Hello world!

I'm still new and currently learning how to get this thing to work... Please bear with me, as I'm not used to so called teck-noh-lo-gees, but it seems pretty fun. Choko recommended me to start using this but I wasn't so sure about it.. so I talked to my friend Umbra and he did agree so I thought "Ah, why not?

Hmm.. I guess that will wrap up for today. It was a nice start for a blog, eh? I hope to see you guys again later.

~ Loni

Hope you enjoy the stay!